Facts Of The World Wide Web | GenXmm

First Search Engine, Start of the Internet, Facts of the World Wide Web, Retro Internet, First Internet
Facts Of The World Wide Web

First web was created in 1945 by Vanuer Bush

Gerard Salton created the idea of search engine and developed a retrieval system called SMART,
Theory of Indexing = statistical weighing = relevancy of algorithms in the 1960's.  SMART stood for Salton's Magic Automatic Receiver of Text

In the 1960's ted Nelson created a project called Xandu which had the goal of being a computer network with a simple user interface that could solve social problems such as attributions

In 1969 a service called ARPANET was born and is part of the US Department of Defense.  ARPANET stands for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network.  It used telephone lines to convey intelligence information.  The internet today would not exist if it wasn't for ARPANET

In 1991 we had the first search engine created by Alan Emtage and was known as ARCHIE which was short for archives.  ARCHIE matched queries using regular expressions, It indexed titles only, no content, so you needed to know the name of the file in order to find it

In 1991 Tim Berners Lee was an independent contractor at SERN who created the World Wide Web which is based on hypertext to facilitate sharing and updating info among researchers

1993 the first robot web crawler was created, he was called the World Wide Web Wanderer, he measured the growth of the web and soon updated to capture and store active URL's in a data base called Wandex but it caused a lot of crashes, overloads and lagging, so in response Aliweb was created and stood for Archie like Indexing of the Web, it crawled meta info of pages

Advancements in Search Engines were Robot Exclusion Standards which meant rules by which search engines would index or not index

Late 1993 three new search engines were created but none performed well enough to make it

Excite was developed by 6 undergrads in the mid 1990's and would rank based on analysis of word relationships

Yahoo was created by two university students.  They realized people needed a directory to list information necessary for effective internet navigation.  They began to compile files into categories and sub categories and called the website Jerry & Dave's Guide to the World Wide Web.  They were the first to do this but in order to get popular they needed to change their name which was changed to Yahoo and they needed funding help. Early web wasn't used for business or ecommerce; it was more of a free flowing place to exchange information.  Venture capitalists wanted to make money on advertising and others viewed it as a non commercial utopia.  Dave and Jerry accepted funding and in return allowed advertising as a means to grow their platform.  At the same time they thought this would alienate their users but they found the user base continued to grow and started booming.  This created more potential for making money online.  Spam then resulted in search. 

Two different students from the same college then created Google, who realized websites were part of a popularity contest.  The more popular a site the more links and the more links means higher search rankings.  Google became so powerful it took their campus site down and they were asked to move.  Now they needed funding but no one wants to invest into just another search engine.  Investors wanted rules in exchange for funding.  They wanted to make sure Google was just a simple logo and advertisement was kept simple until they could come up with an easy way to prioritize advertising that it wouldn't impact user friendliness.

Excite tried to talk Google into converting with them instead of creating Google so they could use the name Excite so Google proposed an offer for Excite to buy out Google but they declined the offer Google. 

Google interprets a link from page A to page B, as a vote for page A from page B.  Google assesses a page of importance by the votes it receives.  This became a major part of Google algorithms page rank but this is no longer.  Google was tweaked to prioritize some site elements over others. 

Bill Gross from a company called IdeaLab was working on a way to fix this.  He discovered that every search query told the search engine about user interests and potential purchases.  This info was very valuable and could be sold to advertisers.  This would allow business to focus on Brand and specific queries could be purchased to boost their brand but many others thought this was distasteful and wouldn't work.  Bill Gross saw this as a new form of the yellow pages.  In 1998 he launched a site based on sponsored links called Overture.com and it was a huge success.  Eventually Google seen this and hoped to blend Overtures payment model with Google search technology but a deal was never cut.  In 2000 Google released Adwords.  It was so similar to Overture.com that it caused a lawsuit but was settled out of court.  Google tweaked Overture to separate organic search and advertisements, this assured it would still be relevant to search queries.  This resulted in the search engine we know of today.  This resulted in a new way of business that has earned Google the largest cut in market share and has changed the future for online advertising. 
Google - 69%
Baidu - 17%
Yahoo - 6%
Bing - 6%
Other - 2%


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