Google Local On Page SEO Strategies for Ranking | GenXmm

Local SEO, Google Maps, Local Search, On-Page SEO, Google Search, Business on Maps, Marketing, Advertising
How to Get my Business on Google Maps Local SEO

Search engine optimization
for local search is made easy through Google My Business.  Shown below is the step by step process for ranking on Google in local search.
 An optimized website will rank well for local searches.

1.     Have your business appear in the Google Maps 3 pack
·       to rank highly in organic search
ü  set up Google My Business Page
ü  make sure you verify your business
ü  Business Brand page needs to be complete, active and visited to have a chance of appearing in the 3 pack
2.       Broaden your focus
·       compete outside of Google on sites such as Facebook, Yelp, etc...
3.      Trust and consistency
4.       Use local keywords and information on pages
5.      Include location data on each page in headers, footers, tags and content
6.       Name, address and phone number are most important and can easily be repeated somewhere on  each page like header or footer
7.       Include city and state in title tags, heading tags, content, alt text for images and URL.
8.       Use Contact Page of website and base on "how to find", include a map and text
9.       Additional areas of service should be in the Contact Page keywords
10.   Include a list of 3-5 closest cities near the address and place in the footer.
11.   If you offer multiple services, dedicate a page to each service offered to allow for optimization
12.   Blog on-site helps, not all posts need to include location
13.   Rich snippets are good
14. is a collection of vocabulary and structured data and is needed
15.   Building citations
·       citations are mentions of your business on other sites that include your business name, address and phone number (these types of sites are difficult to obtain listings on but paid services can help)
ü  citation sources sites: Neustar, Localeze, Acxion, Factual, Foursquare (these sites provide updates to hundreds of local data sites saving lots of time)
·       Local Chamber of Commerce and local city business listings
·       Other useful sites (these may have a verification process)
ü  sites: Manta, BBB, Merchant Circle, Brownbook, City Search, Kudzu, Local BOTW, SuperPages

·       you can also find associated sites, for example if its lawyers….find a lawyer site to list yourself on


  1. Very informative site, i must bookmark it about this Your Digital Resource topic. keep posting interesting articles...


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